zhangyb 发表于 2016-3-14 12:00:57


- 热爱汽车行业并认可戴姆勒/梅赛德斯-奔驰公司的企业文化和价值观
- 优秀的英语沟通能力及出色的团队精神
- -保证每周5天持续六个月的全职实习,且实习期间必须保持学生身份薪酬福利:3000 RMB/月(税前),免费班车,免费水果饮料   入职时间:asap   有意者请将中英文简历发送到intern_china@daimler.com邮件标题统一格式为“姓名——毕业时间——学校——专业”(更多职位请登录http://www.daimlercareer.cn查看) 企业简介戴姆勒大中华区投资有限公司成立于2001年1月,总部位于北京。公司负责如下业务单元:梅赛德斯-奔驰轿车、梅赛德斯-奔驰轻型商用车、戴姆勒卡客车、梅赛德斯-奔驰金融、戴姆勒零部件贸易服务以及研发中心。业务范围覆盖中国大陆、香港、澳门及台湾地区。 1. Research & Development/ Insights & Concepts(Beijing)Qualificationrequired-Bachelor degree or above,Postgraduate is preferred -Proactive working attitude,hardworking, high enthusiasm to new challenges-No compulsory requirement aboutmajor, but candidates with engineering background is preferred-Fluent spoken and written Englishskills-Proficient in MS Office,especially PowerPointTaskdesignation -Support society & trendsresearch work-Specific case studies regardinghot societal topics, such as business deep dive, or people’s consumptionbehavior change, etc.-General administrative support-Other tasks assigned by supervisor 2. Human Resources/ Marketing & Recruiting(Beijing)Qualificationrequired-Fluent English both in written& spoken -Good communication skills -Detail-oriented, strong teamspirit and sense of responsibility -Ability to work under pressure,multi-task Taskdesignation -Support Intern recruitment workincluding: job posting, CV screening, first round phone interview, etc. -Maintain the HR system -Support internship managementrelated work including: Talent pool updated, communication with interns andbusiness units, etc. -Other works assigned by supervisor 3. Network Development Training (Shanghai)Qualificationrequired-Specific Knowledge-Excellent English skills both oraland written will be necessary-Good computer skills with MSOffice; good organization skills, strong sense of responsibility, timelyresponse, fast learner; strong •communication skill, team work, taking care thedetails, result orientated-Positive and self-initiativeTaskdesignation-Aftersales training set-up intraining administration system (SABA)-On-line test management,test/training record maintenance and-Reporting training registrationfollow-up and coordinate with training administration team for any trainingroster change 4. Finance & Controlling (Beijing)Qualificationrequired-Bachelor degree or above-Fluent English in both spoken andwritten-Good team spirit-Good interpersonal communicationskills, detail-oriented and well-organized, strong responsibility towards todaily work & multiple tasks-Decent computer skills, i.e. MSoffice            Taskdesignation -Pre-check of daily vouchers andapplications-Upload data to Controlling Tool-Deal with data of costs by Excel-Administrative support to thewhole team-Other tasks assigned by supervisor 5. Marketing (Beijing)Qualification required-Bachelordegree or above-Experiencein advertising, public relations and marketing is a plus-Capableof working in English environment-Senseof responsibility and hardworking-Able tohandle multiple tasksTask designation -Supportcampaigns and promotions in the launch phrase-Operatethe social media accounts and the website-Keep upwith the agency and select materials-Manageother daily process 6. International Procurement Services(Beijing)Qualificationrequired-Bachelor degree or above-Be good at English, especially inlistening and speaking-Can take some work under pressure,also need be patient-Have good communication skill-Strong dedication and commitmentTaskdesignation-Take responsibility to IPS hotline-Internal communication withrequestor and external commination with supplier-Supplier on-board Process andSupplier information maintenance-Due Diligence check on supplier’squalification-Contract management and generaladministration work-Other tasks assigned by supervisor 7. IT Infrastructure (Beijing)Qualificationrequired-Bachelor degree or above-Both spoken & written English& Chinese fluent-Advanced knowledge of Microsoftoffice (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) -Good organization skills, strong senseof responsibility, time response, fast learner-Strong communication skill, teamwork, taking care the details, result oriented-Positive and self-initiative Taskdesignation-Administrative tasks and supportto daily office work-Documentation delivery, collectionand archiving in time-Complete other tasks assigned bysupervisor 8. Legal (Beijing)Qualificationrequired-Bachelor degree or above, Legalbackground preferred -Proficient Office Skill(especially Word & PPT skill)-Fluent in both oral and writtenEnglish, and basic legal English required-Matured, patient anddetail-oriented-Good sense of responsibility-Detail sensitive and easy adaptionwith team environment Taskdesignation-Contract management: assistlawyers in reviewing contracts and maintaining contract management system-Daily legal consultation: assistlawyers in legal research and issue legal advice-Coordination with external lawfirms: assist lawyers in developing business cooperation, executing FrameContract; following up legal fees payment -Others: project payment (EBPpayment system) and other admin work-Other task assigned by supervisor
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