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复星保德信2019春季校园招聘 公司介绍 复星保德信人寿保险有限公司是由复星与美国保德信金融集团联合发起组建的合资寿险公司,经原中国保险监督管理委员会批准,于2012年9月正式成立,总部位于上海。公司注册资本金为26.621亿元,股东双方各持有合资公司50%的股份。 复星保德信以“守护你想要的未来”为使命,通过代理人、银行保险、健康保险、中介、互联网等多元化渠道,建立客户需求导向的销售模式;完善更加简单、安全、便捷的服务支持体系,运用新科技解决客户随时随地的服务需求;结合股东医疗、养老及其他资源,以健康、快乐、富足的创新产品体系为客户提供更多差异化的周全服务,打造全面服务平台,为客户创造幸福。 Pramerica Fosun Life Insurance Co., Ltd. is a joint venture life insurance company jointly established by Fosun and Prudential Financial Group. It was formally established in September 2012 with the approval of the former China Insurance Regulatory Commission and is headquartered in Shanghai. The company's registered capital is 2.662 billion yuan, and each shareholder holds 50% of the joint venture company. With the mission of “Safeguard your uniquely defined future”, Pramerica Fosun has established a Needs Based Selling model through diversified channels such as agents, bancassurance, health insurance, intermediary and the internet; improving the customer service system to make it simpler, safer and more convenient; using new technology to satisfy customers' needs anytime and anywhere; combining shareholders' medical care, pension and other resources to provide customers with more differentiated and comprehensive services through an innovative system of Health, Happiness, and Wealthiness, building a comprehensive service platform to create happiness for customers.
Through continuous professional training, Pramerica Fosun enhances the working skills of employees, helping them meet the growth cycle at different stages and complete career planning. Based on the result-oriented guidelines, Pramerica Fosun achieves fair evaluation to improve the compensation and welfare system so that employees can feel at ease in this company.
Pramerica Fosun always regards social responsibility as its mission. By serving more customers, participating in various government insurance and security system policies, and practicing public welfare responsibilities, the company is committed to becoming a social stabilizer and economic booster to promote social harmony and health. “Difference and Better” is the spirit of Pramerica Fosun. Through the persistence and efforts of all the employees, Pramerica Fosun will realize the corporate vision of “to be the life insurance company with the fastest value growth and to create happiness for Chinese families intellectually”. 校招流程 简历投递:3月上旬开始 面试:3月下旬-4月上旬 Offer:4月下旬 签订协议:5月 简历投递 招聘岗位 资产管理类,产品开发类等 福利待遇 *完善的职级体系,快速晋升通道; *具有竞争力的薪酬以及年度调薪、丰厚的年终奖、五险一金和团体保险保障; *充裕的带薪年休假、结婚红包、餐补、生日福利、节日福利、防暑降温费、工会福利; *健全的公司文化、技能培训、丰厚的考试津贴