
English & Writing & Tutorial

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The organization provides some servicesincluding English translation, tutorials, and writing services for someindividuals and organisations. We need more reliable and excellent members tojoin us.
Job Description:
1: Read customer requirements(English).  
2: Read literature, collecting informationor data
3: Write articles which meet requirementsof customers.  
4: You are allowed to work anywhere andanytime, if you can access the Internet and get    your task done before the specifieddeadline.  
5: Each task is arranged independently. Youare free to choose whether to take the task or not. But if you choose to takethe task, you must have sufficient time available for it. You are also allowedto quit a task when some accidents take place beyond your prediction.  
1: Accountability and Integrity. You mustbe responsible for tasks you accept. No excuses and no delays.  
2: Good time manager. To get the work donebefore deadline, you have to manage your time appropriately.
3: Good writing and reading skills inEnglish. CET6 530+/ TOFEL 95+ or something equivalent.
Educational background:
Graduated from top 5 universities in Chinaor top 100 universities in the world.
If you are not graduated, you must be in orabove the third year as an undergraduate.
You will obtain your first formal task. Forthis task, the payment will be 200- 300 RMB per thousand words.For excellentperformance, there will be some bonus. For tasks for data processing andcalculation or the like, additional money will be paid.  
Contact information:
If you interest in the work, please sendyour resume to my mailbox
Or add friend:
Wechat & QQ: 2211850447

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