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Ph.D. Positions in the Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, will be offering scholarships to students who are interested in pursuing Ph.D. studies in the following areas of Chemistry, starting in August 2017.
• Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics and Computational Chemistry
• Analytical and Bio-analytical Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry and Synthesis
• Inorganic Chemistry and Organometallics
• Biological Chemistry and Chemical Biology
• Nanomaterials and Materials Chemistry
• Polymer Chemistry
NTU is ranked 13th amongst the world’s top 50 universities by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and 3rd place in QS Asia University ranking 2016. NTU is ranked 1st in the world among young universities consecutively two years on QS Top 50 Under 50. NTU has also secured the 2nd place in the Times Higher Education Asian University Rankings 2016. Nature Index ranks NTU Chemistry 5th globally. The Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry is equipped with a suite of advanced instruments and facilities for conducting high impact scientific research.
The Division invites students with a good Bachelor (Honours) or Masters degrees in Science to apply for Ph.D. position. Successful international candidates will receive a full scholarship including tuition fee waiver along with a monthly stipend of S$2,000.  For international students who pass the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination/Confirmation, the stipend maybe increased to S$2,500, subject to good performance in research and the attainment of required standards for courses taken. On-campus graduate student accommodation is available.
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply online as soon as possible: http://wis.ntu.edu.sg/webexe/owa/pga$rsh_main_grass.menu
Or email your CV to CBC Graduate Admissions (cbc_postgrads@ntu.edu.sg) by March 5th 2017. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend the entrance exams in Beijing or Shanghai in the middle of March 2017. Further details will be provided to short-listed candidates.

More information about admission can be found at:

Information regarding the Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry is available at the website: http://www.spms.ntu.edu.sg/cbc/Default.html

Or, you can e-mail your letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, and academic transcripts to CBC Graduate Admissions (cbc_postgrads@ntu.edu.sg). All the documents have to be in English.

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   南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)是新加坡一所享誉世界的高等教育学府。NTU分文、理、工、商四大学院,为3万3千余名本科生和研究生提供全方位的跨学科教育。在Quacquarelli Symonds提供的校龄50年以下的高等学府排行榜上,连续两年被评为世界第一强的科研密集型大学。在Times Higher Education 亚洲大学排行榜上排第2位。而设于数理学院下的化学和生物化学系(Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry; http://www.spms.ntu.edu.sg/CBC)位于南洋理工大学校区内,是亚洲地区崛起最快的化学系之一,其在Nature Index上的世界排名也于2015年升至第5位。现已有1000多名本科生和230多名博士研究生在读。我系生物化学专业设有包括生物化学, 化学生物学, 生物分析化学,高分子化学以及生物纳米科技在内的博士点,硕士点和博士后流动站。我系现有博士生导师38人,都有在北美,欧洲,澳洲,日本,或香港学习和研究的经历。他们指导的科研组在2008年落成的化学楼里拥有装备先进的化学和生物实验室,并配有世界领先水平的大型科研设备中心。目前有超过300名博士生和博士后在各自导师指导下从事前沿生物化学、化学课题的学习研究,其中许多科研成果发表于世界顶级专业期刊。

- 物理化学
- 分析和生物分析化学
- 有机化学
- 无机化学和金属无机化学
- 生物化学
- 纳米材料化学
- 高分子化学
1 拥有理工科相关专业的本科或硕士学历,或研究经历的人员(国内985,211高校和中科院附属研究院所优先)。
2 有良好的本科(硕士)学习成绩。
3 无须GRE,TOEFL成绩。只需通过我系的安排的英语写作考试(< 400 words)和专业考试即可。

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