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汤森路透2016校园招聘全面启动 汤森路透集团由汤姆森公司和路透社合并成立,是全球领先的专业信息服务提供商。我们将专业知识与创新科技相结合,为金融、法律、税务与财会、科学技术、知识产权和媒体等领域的专业人员和决策者提供重要的信息。集团总部位于纽约,主要分支机构设于英国伦敦、美国明尼苏达州伊根等地。集团在103个国家和地区设有分支机构,共有5万多名员工。集团股票在美国纽约证券交易所和加拿大多伦多股票交易所上市交易,代码均为TRI。想了解跟多信息,请登录汤森路透官网www.thomsonreuters.com。 我们职位-本季我们有三类职位供大家申请 Technical Trainee这是个研发的职位。 只要你对技术有热情,你会基本的C/C++或Java的技术。熟悉数据库的相关知识。 我信你有,约吗?! 我们还会来的学校和您亲密接触。 详细职位信息及申请链接: http://campus.51job.com/thomsonreuters/job.htm#1 Associate Content Analyst (Japanese/English/KoreanLinguist) 汤森路透分析师招聘火热开场! 如果你: 本科毕业证书在手, 英语佳、怀揣专八证书, 或日语/韩语棒棒哒, 了解金融市场、会计知识, 那就赶快来应聘我们汤森路透的数据分析师吧! 你的同事技能满级,提供亚洲各市场准确、完整、及时的金融数据。 来到汤森路透,你将体验舒适的工作环境,全球化的工作氛围,良好的薪酬和假期机制。我们准备好了,你呢? 宣讲时间 详细职位信息及申请链接: http://campus.51job.com/thomsonreuters/job.htm#2 The Futurist Program Description At Thomson Reuters,we believe the right information, in the right hands, at the right time leadsto amazing things. Through our sales teams, we provide invaluable informationand insight to our customers that help drive their businesses forward. The Futurist Program is designed forearly-in-career young talents from a broad rangeof academic backgrounds who demonstrate strong go-to-market(sales and business management) potential and can make a quick impact within theorganization. Throughout the 2-year program, you will rotate through some of our key salesand customer facing teams where you will develop the skills necessary to launcha successful career within our Go-To-Market organization. Youwill learn about our customers, the products and information that power the financial, academic,government, business and professional services organizations and gain valuableinsight into a wide range of industries that shapes our world. The Futurist Program allows you to take advantage of all that Thomson Reutershas to offer. Whether it’s through the comprehensive bootcamptraining, the individually designedrotation path, the wide range of learning and developmentopportunities available, or the ongoing support of yourbuddy and an experienced mentor, the FuturistProgram sets you up for success. You will be exposed to multipleindustries, product types, content, and a diverse set of employees all workingtogether to deliver solutions for our customers. On completion of the program, high performing participantwould expect to move into permanent roles within our Go-To-Market teams andtake the first step towards getting started in a rewarding career at ThomsonReuters. Are you a good fit? Our ideal candidatehas a good mix of the following: Education Bachelors degree or above – open to discipline with a history ofstrong academic results from top universities Experience 0-2 years of working and/or intern experience in a TR related professionaldomain, e.g.Financial, IP & Science, Legal, Tax & Accounting, sales and othercustomer-facing roles Skills and Competencies Highlymotivated, take ownership, and deliver great results over the long-term Strategic thinking with awareness and appreciationfor the wider business context and interdependencies related to their work Excellent interpersonal and communication skills that lead to positiverelationship building and influence at all levels Global mindset and have the confidence to thrive within acomplex global corporate environment Move swiftlybetween varied challenges and respond positively to change A passion and drive to begin a career in Go-To-Market organization, and natural team playerswho put shared interests ahead of their own Curiosity to learn, innovate and unleash creativity for solutions and continuousimprovement Fluency in English and Chinese Candidates must belegally and independently able to work in China. Shortlistedapplications will be invited to take part in interviews and an assessment center event. The number of graduates offeredpositions will depend on the quality of the applicants and the business needsof Thomson Reuters in the recruitment year. Open Day Schedule: Shanghai Office: OpenDay 2015/11/10 9:30 – 16:00 Interview 2015/11/11 – 2015/11/13 Afterour Invitation call, you can join in the open day activity. (Travel cost byyourself) Beijing Office: OpenDay 2015/11/17 9:30 – 16:00 Interview 2015/11/18 – 2015/11/20 Afterour Invitation call, you can join in the open day activity. (Travel cost byyourself) The Application Link: http://campus.51job.com/thomsonreuters/job.htm#0