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戴姆勒/梅赛德斯-奔驰2015 PSQ 校园招聘 关于戴姆勒 戴姆勒股份公司是全球领先的汽车制造商,拥有高档轿车,轻型商用车、卡车及客车等无与伦比的产品,以及一系列量身定制的汽车服务组合。沿袭公司创始人的足迹,戴姆勒将诸多开创性的汽车变革带到中国,构筑中国乃至世界汽车产业的未来。 招聘岗位 SupplierQuality Management 工作地点 北京亦庄经济开发区 我们希望你是: 1.车辆、材料、机械、自动化等理工科背景 2.有质量和制造行业经验者优先考虑(PPAP优先); 3.在英语方面有优秀的口头表达能力和书写能力; 4.有独立解决问题的能力,并有良好的团队合作意识; 5.有自信及良好的沟通能力; Objectives of the Position •The LocalParts Evaluation Center (LPEC) is handling all sampling activities for in Chinalocal produced parts. •As QualityEngineer working in LPEC you will be responsible for the coordination,documentation and monitoring of sampling activities. •Therefore youare the central contact person for the Daimler Supplier Quality Engineersregarding the distribution of sample parts and the tracking and monitoring oftesting results. Main tasks are: -Visual Checkof sample parts -Assignment ofTesting Departments (e.g. for function or material release) -DeadlineMonitoring regarding test results -Creation ofSampling Inspection Reports 如有问题,欢迎致电戴姆勒/梅赛德斯-奔驰校园招聘组010-66150335 新浪官方微博:@戴姆勒_梅赛德斯-奔驰招聘 微信公众号:戴姆勒招聘 戴姆勒/梅赛德斯-奔驰校园招聘 2015年1月