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福特汽车工程研究(南京)有限公司–吉林大学招聘会 时间:2014年10月11日、12日 地点:吉林大学 流程: Ø 有意向的同学首先通过51Job完成在线职位申请; Ø 通过简历筛选的同学进入10月11日笔试; Ø 通过笔试筛选的同学进入10月12日部分职位现场面试; 笔试、面试通知另行安排,请同学保持手机畅通。 有意向的小伙伴们赶快行动起来,尽快完成职位在线申请吧! http://campus.51job.com/ford/ At Ford, we believe that leadership is a teameffort. We are a global family ofpassionate, dedicated men and women who are already leading global innovationand building a better world. Join ustoday to discover the opportunities, reap the rewards, and face the challengesthat will make you a leader of tomorrow.