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易安信中国卓越研发集团2014校园招聘火热启动 EMC 易安信中国卓越研发集团2014校园招聘于9月23日正式启动!有兴趣的同学请登录http://campus.51job.com/emc查看并提交简历,简历提交截止时间为10月28日中午12点。 10月,EMC将在10所高校进行校园宣讲。10月中下旬,我们将组织一场在线视频宣讲会,敬请关注。 欲了解更多校招信息,请关注EMC官方微博“EMC中国卓越研发集团”和微信公共账号“EMC中国研发”! 1)招聘流程: · 9月23日-10月28日 简历接收及筛选 · 10月 校园宣讲会 -- 11月上旬 笔试 -- 11月中下旬面试 -- 12月聘用 2)招聘职位: Software Development Engineer (Beijing/Shanghai) · Bachelor or above in computer science, EE, mathematics or related field with strong foundation in mathematics and Computer Science · Solid CS basic knowledge of networking, database, storage and design pattern. · Working knowledge of at least one of the operating systems; Linux or Windows. · At least be proficient in 1 programming language: Java, C/C++/C#, Ruby, or .net. · Fluent in English listening, speaking and writing. Software Engineer – QE (Beijing/Shanghai) · Bachelor or above in computer science, EE, mathematics or related field with strong foundation in mathematics and Computer Science · General understanding of computer systems and working knowledge of at least one of the operating systems; Linux or Windows. · At least be proficient in 1 programming language: Java, C/C++/C#, Python, Perl, or .net. · Fluent in English listening, speaking and writing. Technical Support Engineer (Shanghai) · Bachelor in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field with strong logical analysis and troubleshooting skills. · Working knowledge of major operating system software. · Ability to support and communicate with customers over the phone or preferred communication method by customer. · Solid organizational, interpersonal, communication, telephone and presentations skills. · Interests and passion in remote technical support positions (either of these products): storage hardware; storage software; virtualization products and etc… · Fluent in English listening, speaking and writing. Technical Support Engineer – Multiple Languages (Shanghai) · Bachelor in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field with strong logical analysis and troubleshooting skills. · Working knowledge of major operating system software. · Ability to support and communicate with customers over the phone or preferred communication method by customer. · Solid organizational, interpersonal, communication, telephone and presentations skills. · Interests and passion in remote technical support positions (either of these products): storage hardware; storage software; virtualization products and etc… · Fluent in English and Japanese / Korean listening, speaking and writing. Systems Integration Engineer (Chengdu) · Bachelor or above in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field with strong logical analysis and troubleshooting skills. · Hands-on experiences on one or more areas from following: o Basic knowledge and working experiences with one of major Operating system, such as Windows, ESX/ESXi, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, etc. o Working experience with various protocols (TCP/IP, FC, iSCSI, FCoE) is a plus. o Good understanding on Storage Area Network components is a plus. o Excellent troubleshooting skills and experience · Ability to work in a remote team environment. · Fluent in English listening, speaking and writing. Solution Engineer (Shanghai) · Bachelor or Master in computer science, electric engineering, mathematics or related fields. · General understanding of computer systems and working knowledge of at least one of the operating systems; Linux or Windows. · General knowledge and application of storage performance engineering concepts like IOPS, Throughput, Bandwidth and Latency. Prior knowledge of tools like IOMETER, FIO is a big plus. · Good communication / documentation skills. A reference to college level thesis or any publicly available literature like papers will be a plus. · Fluent in English listening, speaking and writing. Research Scientist (Beijing/Shanghai) · PhD or Master degree or equivalent in computer science, math or related areas of information science. · Lead and participate in active research in one or more areas of long-term strategic interest in information sciences. · Collaborate with university researchers on selected projects. · Design and build research prototypes to evaluate and communicate new concepts. · Publish research results in international conferences and journals. · Participate in professional activities such as conference program committees and journal refereeing. · Demonstrated research initiative including independent contributions to research projects resulting in publications in international conferences and/or journals. · Strong coding styles. · Team player, highly motivated tech lover, willingness to contribute to team success. · Fluent in speaking English, excellent writing skills in English. · Ability to identify and articulate problems, relentless pursue for ideal solution. · Ability to pick up new things, newer technologies and corporate circumstances promptly. 3)宣讲会行程 (请随时关注http://campus.51job.com/emc, 我们会及时更新宣讲会信息) 复旦大学(技术论坛)10月15日(周二) 18:30-20:30 行政楼106报告厅(张江校区) 同济大学 10月16日(周三) 18:00-20:00 行政楼224报告厅(嘉定校区) 华东师范大学 10月24日(周四) 18:30-20:30 一教108报告厅 清华大学(技术论坛)10月17日(周四) 14:00-16:00 二教403 北京航空航天大学 10月17日(周四) 18:30-20:30主北307 电子科技大学 10月22日(周二) 18:30-20:30学生活动中心114(清水河校区) 浙江大学 10月23日(周三) 14:30-16:30玉泉永谦活动中心第二排练厅 南京大学 10月10日(周四) 18:30-20:30科技馆二楼报告厅(鼓楼校区) 华中科技大学(技术论坛)10月23日(周三)18:30-20:30八号楼三楼报告厅(本部) 西安交通大学 10月24日(周四) 16:00-18:00 本部教2-100(德育基地)
EMC2014校园招聘在线视频宣讲会将于2013年10月22日进行,敬请关注! 4)EMC公司介绍: 创建于 1979 年,总部在马萨诸塞州霍普金顿市的 EMC 公司 (NYSE: EMC),是全球第六大企业软件公司,助力企业和服务提供商转变运营方式,以服务的形式提供IT。EMC通过创新的产品和服务,加速云计算之旅,帮助IT部门以更敏捷、更可信、成本效率更高的方式存储、管理、保护、分析他们最重要的资产——信息。作为美国财富五百强之一,2012财年EMC公司年营业收入高达217亿美元,全球研发投入高达22亿美元。
EMC中国卓越研发集团 EMC中国卓越研发集团于2006年7月17日正式落成,分别位于上海、北京和成都, 下设存储技术研发基地、云计算研发基地、信息管理研发基地、中国实验室、全球解决方案中心和全球客户技术支持中心六大职能部门。EMC易安信中国卓越研发集团以全球领先的云计算及大数据信息管理技术为客户提供研发,方案解决及技术支持服务。 EMC中国卓越研发集团的使命是:致力成为产品和服务创新的行业领导者,以卓越的研发实力,满足客户的需求;立足中国,服务全球市场,创造本地价值。 |