SAP上海研究院中小型企业ERP事业部(SME)面向广大吉大22届毕业生(本科、硕士)招聘持续化集成工具开发(CICD tools developer)实习生岗位.岗位要求:
1. 计算机科学,软件工程专业优先。
2. 英文读写技能良好
3. 至少熟悉一种高级程序设计语言:Java, Golang, Python.
4. 熟悉Linux操作系统,了解bash或常用脚本语言。
5. 熟悉虚拟机(vmware)相关知识,了解或使用过云平台(Aliyun,aws,azure,openstack)者优先。
6. 熟悉docker等容器化技术、了解kubenetes集群者优先。
7. 了解常见代码管理和集成交付工具:Git/Github, Jenkins者优先。
8. 有很好的团队意识,有良好的问题解决能力,有探索精神和一定的创新精神,具有抗压能力和完成能力。
9. 即使对岗位要求技术栈不熟悉,也有乐于学习和积累的意向和精神。
SAP(思爱普)公司,德国软件供应商,全球最大的ERP解决方案供应商,欧洲最大的软件供应商,世界500强企业,致力于企业应用软件开发与解决策略。SAP 成立于德国沃尔多夫,在全球拥有6万多名员工,遍布全球130个国家,并拥有覆盖全球11,500家企业的合作伙伴网络。SAP上海研究院坐落于上海浦东新区张江镇张江软件园,是中国最大的SAP 开发研究院。在最佳雇主评选中连续多年蝉联“最佳雇主”称号。
本人吉大10级计算机本科、14级计算机硕士,经历实习渠道进入SAP工作至今。SAP公司紧跟时代步伐,产品优质且受众广泛;公司真正能做到IT人难得的“Life Work Balance”,并且注重员工长远规划和技术栈培养。公司氛围轻松,工作环境舒适,待遇优厚。欢迎各位师弟师妹报名。联系我可直接发邮箱2417419527@qq.com。
English version
Student Intern Tools Developer for CICD:
PURPOSE ANDOBJECTIVES: The mission of SAP Cloud SME Solutions team is to develop innovate andcompetitive products for small and mid-enterprise customers that areaffordable, consumable, customizable, localized with rich functionalities. We are now lookingfor passionate Diploma/Student Intern – tools developer to join us and be apart of a world-class development organization deliveringproducts which are humanly desirable, business viable and technically feasible. EXPECTATIONS ANDTASKS: § Working indifferent stages of the development life cycle on tasks such as websitedevelopment, continuous delivery process interfaces, implementation, andmaintenance.§ Participating insystem design meetings, preparing requirements and design specifications.§ Implementingfeatures with various of programing languages and web related technology,writing and executing unit tests, and debugging programs as required.§ Identifying,analyzing, and resolving software problems. EDUCATION ANDQUALIFICATION/ SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES: § Bachelor’s degreeor above in major of Computer science and Software engineering§ 2022 freshgraduate can work minimum 3 days a week for 6-12 months§ Hands onexperience with at least one of the following programming languages Java,Golang, and Python§ Experienceswith UNIX and LINUX operating systems including hands-on experience writingscripts (bash, python, etc.)§ Familiar with common virtualization technologieslike vmware, kvm, experience with cloud platforms likeaws/azure/aliyun/openstack is preferred§ Familiarwith Kubernetes and container technology (Docker) is preferred§ Familiar withcommon continuous delivery tools such as Jenkins, Git/GitHub is preferred.§ Good analytical,problem-solving skills.§ Teamwork spirit§ Being able towork under pressure, in critical situations and under tight deadlines.§ Creative &innovative § Curious about newmethodology and technology