job2012 发表于 2019-9-26 14:10:29


缘泰石油2020年校园招聘简章 一、单位简介AtYutime, we work single-mindedly towards one goal: Power the world for good.Wepromote sustainable energy production and consumption; push to maintain healthyecosystems around the globe; produce clean electricity; craft- high-performancefuels - Everything we do, we do to realize this vision. We do it for good.We are acomprehensive multinational company rooted in the energy business, actively inpursuit of internationalization and of ever newways to diversify. As one of China’s very first carbon credit traders, ourability to integrate global energy sources in our business together with theintroduction and application of innovative technology have made us intotrailblazers in the globalized and sustainable development of the energymarket.We areactive across different fields, from smart service stations, petrochemicals andenergy trade to eco-agriculture. Throughout our endeavors, we put innovationand responsible practice at the forefront, aiming to disrupt any new market weenter and become a long-lasting enterprise capable of changing society and oureveryday lives through creative solutions and the uncompromising dedication toquality.不论是推动能源的可持续性生产和利用,维护地球生态系统良性循环;还是创造更清洁的电力,支持社会绿色发展;或是生产更高效的燃油,让出行充满自由和动力…都源于Yutime 的愿景:要让世界更美好。Yutime,作为在能源产业深耕的综合性企业,利用国际化布局和多元化能力,通过协同整合国际能源资源、引进和应用创新技术,走在能源产业全球化和可持续发展的前列,是中国首批参与碳排放交易的企业之一。从清洁燃油、加油站服务、化工新材料、国际能源贸易、到生态农业等多元产业,我们把创新与实践放在首位,致力于成为一个能够颠覆市场同时基业长青的企业,并希望通过对创新和品质的不懈追求,承担更多可持续发展的责任,以此改变世界、社会以及人们的日常生活。二、招聘对象2020届本硕应届毕业生(含海外留学生及外籍学生)三、工作地点缘泰石油:北京市朝阳区东三环中路5号财富金融中心50层缘泰燃油:北京市朝阳区东三环中路5号财富金融中心43层闽化集团:福建省福州市台江区宁化街道振武路70号福晟钱隆广场39层鞍炼集团:辽宁省沈阳市和平区青年大街286号华润大厦A座23层/辽宁省鞍山市台安县胜利西路工业园区鞍炼集团四、招聘岗位招聘岗位详见网申链接:五、薪酬福利具有市场竞争力的薪酬;转岗及晋升机会;薪资构成:基本薪酬+绩效薪酬;年假福利:国家标准;社保&公积金:国家标准;员工建康活动;节日礼品。六、简历投递网申链接:七、校招流程网申启动-简历筛选-宣讲会-面试-在线测评-企业见面会-发放offer

job2012 发表于 2019-9-28 15:27:09

都源于Yutime 的愿景:要让世界更美好。

job2012 发表于 2019-9-30 14:45:21

We are acomprehensive multinational company rooted in the energy business, actively inpursuit of internationalization and of ever newways to diversify. As one of China’s very first carbon credit traders, ourability to integrate global energy sources in our business together with theintroduction and application of innovative technology have made us intotrailblazers in the globalized and sustainable development of the energymarket.

job2012 发表于 2019-10-6 20:24:27

都源于Yutime 的愿景:要让世界更美好。

job2012 发表于 2019-10-8 13:02:15

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