WorldQuant2015 Quantitative Finance Programs
本帖最后由 crady 于 2014-9-30 00:52 编辑WorldQuant2015QuantitativeFinance Programs Seeks Engineering, Science, Math&Finance MajorsFor Quantitative Finance ResearchProjects.No Prior ExperienceNeeded. We Will Train You.专为工程、科学、数学及金融类专业学生提供的量化金融研究项目,无须相关经验,我们将提供专业培训。 Allinterested candidates are invited to attend our company presentations:我们邀请所有感兴趣的申请者参加我们的宣讲会:
By coming to this presentation, youwill learn something about:通过参加我们的宣讲会,你将了解到: - How to apply for free trainingclasses / seminars about quantitative finance research and modeling如何申请参加我们的免费培训课程和研讨会,学习量化金融研究和建模 - The quantitative finance andinvestment management industry量化金融及投资管理行业 - How to become a successful Quantin global financial markets如何成为全球金融市场上成功的量化金融研究员 - How to apply to be our fulltimeQuantitative Researcher or part-time Research Consultant如何申请成为我们的全职量化研究员或兼职研究顾问 - How you can get paid 你将如何能够获得报酬 - How to get free access to ourweb-based stock simulation system that you can use to develop your quantitativeinvestment models如何获取资格免费使用我们的在线股票研究仿真系统,开发你的量化金融模型 - A rare opportunity for studentsin engineering and science to break into the financial industry帮助工程和科学类专业学生步入金融行业的珍稀机会 About UsWorldQuant is a private institutional investment management complexconsisting of an international team of researchers and technologists whoconstantly work toward even greater quantification and automation in thedevelopment of its processes. OurOpeningsQuantitative Researcher (Fulltime)量化研究员(全职) Job Responsibilities (include,but not limited to the following):Ourresearch subsidiaries in Beijing andShanghai are seeking mathematics, computer science, physics and engineeringmajors for quantitative researcherposition involving the creation ofcomputer-based models that seek to predict the movements of worldwide financialmarkets. Candidates need not have prior knowledge of financial markets, butmust have a strong interest in learning about stock markets and financialmarkets. Our highly accomplished senior staff will provide the new hires withmentoring and guidance to help them succeed.Weoffer outstanding career opportunities, which include:- Competitivefinancial rewards, relative to performance and position- Friendly andcollegial working environment- Opportunityfor promotion to Vice President in 2 to 4 years- Rareopportunity to learn from investment experts Job Qualifications:- Ph.D. or M.S. degreefrom a leading Chinauniversity and B.S. degree from the top university inUS,China,(or from other leadinguniversities in the world) in a highly analytical field, such as Mathematics,Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Financial Engineering or anyother related field that is highly analytical and quantitative- Ranked as top 20% inclass for bachelor's degree- Willing to relocateto one of our international researchoffices- Have a researchscientist mind-set, i.e., be a deep thinker, creative, persevering, smart, aself-starter, etc.- Be competent in aprogramming language (C++ or C)- Possess good Englishlanguage skills- Have a stronginterest in learning about worldwide financial markets- Have astrong work ethicPositionbased in one of our research offices: Beijingor Shanghai.Interestedand qualified candidates please email your current CV (or any questions) inENGLISH and local languageto only ONEof below email addresses: (If youare currently residing in Shanghai) (If you are currently residing in Beijingor other cities) indicate which office you are applying forin your email subject.WorldQuant,LLC provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and eligibleapplicants for employment in accordance with the laws applicable in eachjurisdiction in which it conducts business.Except as may be varied byany local law to the contrary, our Firm’s philosophy is to treat employees andapplicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender,sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age,disability, genetic information, marital status, amnesty, or status as acovered veteran of military service.This applies to all terms andconditions of employment, including, but not limited to, hiring, placement,promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence,compensation, and training. Quantitative Research Consultant (Part-time)量化金融研究顾问(兼职) Scope of Engagement (include, but notlimited to the following):职责范围(包括,但不限于以下内容): We areseeking engineering,science,mathematics and financemajorsforpart-time research consultant position,involvingthe creation of computer-based models that seek to predict the movements ofworldwide financial markets. Candidates need not have prior knowledge offinancial markets, but must have a strong interest in learning about stockmarkets and financial markets. Upon joining us,we will provide a series of quantitativefinance trainingand seminarsto offer you a chance to learn the fundamentals of quantitative finance andstock price movement prediction.我们正在寻找工程、科学、数学及金融类专业的学生作为兼职研究顾问,开发计算机模型以预测全球金融市场的动向。申请者无需相关经验,但须对学习股票和金融市场具有强烈的兴趣。我们将为合格的申请者提供一系列量化金融培训和研讨会,藉此你将有机会学习量化金融及股价波动预测的基本原理。 We offeroutstanding learning and earning opportunities, which include:我们提供给你难得的学习机会和优厚的报酬,包括:- Performance basedcompensation, forsuccessfully contracted consultant- 针对成功签约顾问的基于业绩的报酬方式 - Training classes /seminars about quantitative finance research and modeling- 量化金融研究与建模系列培训课程及研讨会 - Access to ourweb-based stock simulation system that you can use to develop your quantitativefinancial models- 使用我们基于网页的股票研究仿真系统,开发你的量化金融模型 - Rare opportunity forstudents in engineering and science to break into the financial industry - 帮助工程和科学类专业学生步入金融行业的珍稀机会 Qualifications:申请资格: - Hold or working toward a Bachelor’sdegree or advanced degrees from a leading university in engineering,science, mathematics, finance or any other related field that is highlyanalytical and quantitative- 著名大学本科在读及以上学历,工程、科学、数学、金融或其他数量分析类专业 - Competent in a programming language- 熟悉一种编程语言 - Strong interest in learning about worldwidefinancial markets- 对学习全球金融市场具有强烈兴趣 Locations:工作地点: Flexibleand online.As a Quantitative Research Consultant, you can use our proprietary web-basedsimulation platform to experiment with quantitative investment research atanytimeand from anywhere with an internet connection.弹性化在线工作制。作为一名量化金融研究顾问,只要是在有互联网接入的地方,你可以在任何时间使用我们专属的在线仿真平台进行量化投资研究实验。 How to Apply:如何申请: Interestedand qualified candidates please register at apply.感兴趣且合格的申请者请点击注册申请。 Forinquiries, please contact us at Pleasespecify your current residing countryand Websim accountin your email.如有疑问,请发邮件至websim-ticket@worldquant.com请在邮件中注明你现在的居住国及Websim申请帐号。 希望同学们继续关注 希望同学们继续关注 希望同学们继续关注 希望同学们继续关注 WorldQuant2015 Quantitative Finance Programs
Seeks Engineering, Science, Math& Finance MajorsFor Quantitative Finance Resea
rchProjects.No Prior Experience Needed. We Will Train You.
All interested candidates are invited to attend our company presentations:
城市 学校名称 校区 日期 时间 场地
北京 北京邮电大学 本部 11月4日18:30-20:30 待定
北京 清华大学 本部 11月6日18:30-20:30 待定
西安 西安交通大学 兴庆校区11月10日 19:00-21:00 就业指导中心204
合肥 中国科学技术大学本部 11月12日 18:30-20:30 待定
上海 上海交通大学 闵行校区11月13日 18:30-20:30 待定
南京 南京大学 鼓楼校区11月18日 18:30-20:30 待定
杭州 浙江大学 玉泉校区11月20日 18:30-20:30 待定
上海 复旦大学 邯郸校区11月25日 18:30-20:30 待定
天津 南开大学 本部 11月27日 18:30-20:30 伯苓楼二楼多功能厅
北京 北京大学 本部 12月3日19:00-21:00 英杰交流中心月光厅
By coming to this presentation, you will learn something about:
- How to apply for free training classes / seminars about quantitative finance
research and modeling
- The quantitative finance and investment management industry
- How to become a successful Quant in global financial markets
- How to apply to be our fulltime Quantitative Researcher or part-time Researc
h Consultant
- How you can get paid
- How to get free access to our web-based stock simulation system that you can
use to develop your quantitative investment models
- A rare opportunity for students in engineering and science to break into the
financial industry
About Us
WorldQuant is a private institutional investment management complex consisting
of an international team of researchers and technologists who constantly work
toward even greater quantification and automation in the development of its p
Our Openings
Quantitative Researcher (Fulltime)
Job Responsibilities (include, but not limited to the following):
Our research subsidiaries in Beijing and Shanghai are seeking mathematics, com
puter science, physics and engineering majors for quantitative researcherposit
ion involving the creation of computer-based models that seek to predict the m
ovements of worldwide financial markets. Candidates need not have prior knowle
dge of financial markets, but must have a strong interest in learning about st
ock markets and financial markets. Our highly accomplished senior staff will p
rovide the new hires with mentoring and guidance to help them succeed.
We offer outstanding career opportunities, which include:
- Competitive financial rewards, relative to performance and position
- Friendly and collegial working environment
- Opportunity for promotion to Vice President in 2 to 4 years
- Rare opportunity to learn from investment experts
Job Qualifications:
- Ph.D. or M.S. degree from a leading Chinauniversity and B.S. degree from the
top university inUS, China,(or from other leading universities in the world
) in a highly analytical field, such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics
, Electrical Engineering, Financial Engineering or any other related field tha
t is highly analytical and quantitative
- Ranked as top 20% in class for bachelor's degree
- Willing to relocate to one of our international research offices
- Have a research scientist mind-set, i.e., be a deep thinker, creative, perse
vering, smart, a self-starter, etc.
- Be competent in a programming language (C++ or C)
- Possess good English language skills
- Have a strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets
- Have a strong work ethic
Position based in one of our research offices: Beijing or Shanghai.
Interested and qualified candidates please email your current CV (or any quest
ions) in ENGLISH and local languageto only ONE of below email addresses:
(If you are currently residing in Shanghai)
(If you are currently residing in Beijing or other cities)
Please indicate which office you are applying for in your email subject.
WorldQuant, LLC provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and e
ligible applicants for employment in accordance with the laws applicable in ea
ch jurisdiction in which it conducts business.Except as may be varied by any
local law to the contrary, our Firm’s philosophy is to treat employees and a
pplicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexu
al orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disabilit
y, genetic information, marital status, amnesty, or status as a covered vetera
n of military service.This applies to all terms and conditions of employment
, including, but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, la
yoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation, and training.
Quantitative Research Consultant (Part-time)
Scope of Engagement (include, but not limited to the following):
We are seeking engineering, science, mathematics and financemajorsfor part-tim
e research consultant position,involving the creation of computer-based models
that seek to predict the movements of worldwide financial markets. Candidates
need not have prior knowledge of financial markets, but must have a strong in
terest in learning about stock markets and financial markets. Upon joining us,
we will provide a series of quantitative finance training and seminars to offe
r you a chance to learn the fundamentals of quantitative finance and stock pri
ce movement prediction.
We offer outstanding learning and earning opportunities, which include:
- Performance basedcompensation, for successfully contracted consultant
- 针对成功签约顾问的基于业绩的报酬方式
- Training classes / seminars about quantitative finance research and mo
- 量化金融研究与建模系列培训课程及研讨会
- Access to our web-based stock simulation system that you can use to de
velop your quantitative financial models
- 使用我们基于网页的股票研究仿真系统,开发你的量化金融模型
- Rare opportunity for students in engineering and science to break into
the financial industry
- 帮助工程和科学类专业学生步入金融行业的珍稀机会
- Hold or working toward a Bachelor’s degree or advanced degrees from a
leading university in engineering, science, mathematics, finance or any other
related field that is highly analytical and quantitative
- 著名大学本科在读及以上学历,工程、科学、数学、金融或其他数量分析类专业
- Competent in a programming language
- 熟悉一种编程语言
- Strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets
- 对学习全球金融市场具有强烈兴趣
Flexible and online.As a Quantitative Research Consultant, you can use our pro
prietary web-based simulation platform to experiment with quantitative investm
ent research atanytime and from anywhere with an internet connection.
How to Apply:
Interested and qualified candidates please register at https://websimqa.worldq apply.
For inquiries, please contact us at Please speci
fy your current residing country and Websim accountin your email.